The Japanese Slot Machine Shortwave

Many models of SDRs, tabletop, and professional receivers are made in Europe, Japan, Australia, and the USA. As a result of these inquiries, we have now curated the Shortwave Radio Index, our comprehensive list of shortwave radios currently on the market, tagging each entry with its “Made In” country. Japanese: 08:00 / 09:00: Okeechobee5: 100 KW. Frequencies for Slot Machine Shortwave schedule for NHK World Radio Japan Shortwave schedule for Tajik Radio. The online-provider from Bulgaria, ”Cayetano Gaming”, released one more amazing video slot for virtual casinos. This gambling is dedicated to a beautiful East country – Japan. If you would like to be successful, make a little practice in the Japanese Mystery Slot before serious playing on real money.

  1. The Japanese Slot Machine Shortwave Am Fm
  2. Japanese Slot Machine Troubleshooting
  3. Japanese Slot Machine Shortwave
  4. Japanese Slot Machine For Sale
  5. The Japanese Slot Machine Shortwave Machine

05 Apr 2020

I'd love to start off this update with the traditional spring wishes, but alas - the whole world is in a very difficult situation at the moment. Due to this, I'll just let you know the site is updated with the A20 schedules. Happy listening from isolation/quarantine and stay clean and safe !

A small update on the geolocation problem mentioned in the previous update: looks like this is now broken on Firefox as well. From a Chromium bug page found recently, this appears to be something that will not be fixed/allowed by Google anymore, as it overloaded their services. Meanwhile, the geolocation works just fine in the official Chrome or the mobile Chrome or devices which can report actual location from GPS or WiFi ... what a surprise.

Due to this, I'd like to remind you of the 'fake location' feature available in the page. You can either load this site in Chrome just once, to get the actual coordinates (or visit an alternative site, like this one, then enter the two numbers called 'Latitude' and 'Longitude' into the two fields after 'Your currently set location'. Once done, click save and you'll be able to use the site normally.

31 Jan 2020

Ooh boy, was this a fun one to debug - long story ahead. As I've mentioned before, the geo-location function used to approximate the distance to the radio transmitters started intermittently failing (this was also causing the Settings page link to bemissing).The site uses the Google API (a way to have computerstalk between them) for two things: to retrieve your location in the world(geographical coordinates) and do a reverse lookup in order to retrieve youraddress and country.

Somewhere in the past year, it became clear that Google doesn't like peopleusing these APIs for free - so, they've started charging the developers orsite owners a fee to use their system. Fair or not (consideringthe amount of data that Google monetizes by providing this info) ... that'sanother discussion. Anyway, this is the reason you sometimes see on websitesthe grayed-out map and the 'are you the owner of this site' pop-up.For now, the site is working with a free key - this however limits thenumber of requests you can do to Google, after the site owner has to payGoogle. Therefore, the reverse address feature will work as soon is under the free threshold; if this is exceeded(shouldn't be), the feature will stop working.

Next, the subject of geolocation (the feature through which your physicallocation is mapped to geographic coordinates). This is actually standardized,so it should work evenly across all browsers. Simple, right ? well, no.Just like above, Google doesn't like this feature being used so freely byeveryone, so they kinda blocked it.In Chrome (Google's own browser, which tracks every breath you take) thisworks just fine (duh).In Chromium (the open-source fork of Google Chrome), this feature doesnot work at all - bug is open here.Firefox comes with the Google geolocation service pre-configured, but set touse an invalid URL end-point. In the Firefox's address bar, typeabout:config, press Enter, search for geo.wifi.uri andyou'll see it's set to is now blocked by Google. To make Firefox's geolocation work again,you need to set this config to use this URL:, bugis open here. This is not something that I can fix - you need todo this on your own unfortunately.

Do you still like Google after reading the above ? think about it :)anyway, to make you feel better, I'm happy to announce that languagefiltering now works ! You can visit the settings page to configure your languages andthey'll be saved properly now. To avoid forgeting the filter is applied, thenumber of languages active in the filter is now shown at the top of eachtransmission listing as well.

Hope you liked this update and will keep reporting any bugs you mayencounter. Don't forget to contribute with Paypal to my holy grailtransceiver fund, the ICOM IC-7300 :drool: :)

19 Jan 2020

Following your feedback, the broadcast days are now listed nicer in the transmission table: if it's a light blue day of the week, then the station is broadcasting that day; if it's light gray, the station does not broadcast on that day. It also seems something's broken again with Geolocation, it works on mobile but not on desktop - I'm investigating this.


19 Dec 2019

Database B19 is up! Thank you for the bug reports sent in after the (somehow forced, I admit) upgrade of the site. They're on my to do list and hope to implement them as soon as free time allows.

I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year ! enjoy the holidays, happy listening and 73 to all 🎅 !

17 Nov 2019

After a server upgrade, the new Beta is the official (the old code required a bit too much rewriting to be PHP 7.x compatible). The B19 database will soon be up as well.

Welcome to the new ! Send me an email to to report bugs and send in ideas about the new site.

If you're writing to report a bug for mobile devices (i.e. you're using the site from your phone or tablet), please try to attach a screen shot to your email.

For Android devices, simply press and hold your smartphone's power and volume down button at the same time for 1 to 2 seconds. For Apple devices, press the Power button on the top right corner of your device and at the same time, press the Home button.

28 Jul 2019

Update: the address retrieval feature hasbeen fixed (it was caused by Google's Maps changes). The distance totransmitters' locations should now be displayed as well (I know thecoordinates are not exact and some transmitters are shown as being in theocean - unfortunately, that's the data stored in the source database).Please let me know if you find any other errors.

17 Apr 2019

Long time no ... heard ! As the saying goes, the site has been updated for your listening pleasure to A19 (2019 first half) schedules. Over the next few days, I'll be also answering to pending emails - sorry for the delays.

A special thank you to Diane D. for your generous donation ! I chose this method of replying because your email server appears to be refusing my email servers' connections :)

Happy listening and a nice spring to everyone !

25 Apr 2017

All updates sent by listeners have been added, together with the country names. As usual, let me know if you find anything wrong with the transmission lists. Cheers and happy listening!

04 Apr 2017

Good news everyone! The ShortwaveSchedule web site has been updated to the A17 schedules. A few more tweaks and adding the updates sent by fellow listeners will follow shortly.

02 Nov 2016

As the B16 schedule has been released, is now updated as well to serve your shortwave listening habits:-)
Important: as Google is pushing for secure content, the geolocation feature no longer works in Google Chrome if the site is being served over plain HTTP.
You need to access the web site using HTTPS from now on if you wish to use the gelocation feature - that means you need to type: instead of, in order to get a secure connection.
The little padlock icon next to the address bar has to be green, just like in the attached picture.
I still have to update the minor corrections to transmitter locations sent by the listeners, don't be afraid to remind me of your submitted changes if one of them is forgotten :) keep in touch and happy listening!

27 Nov 2015

4 years ago, I was sitting in a hotel room somewhere in the North of Africa fiddling with my new shortwave radio. Although it was a very nice hotel, the Internet connection was laggy and slow - my weekend online procrastination became more of an annoyance... therefore, shortwave radio looked to be a nice alternativeto the usual browsing. I got fed up with permanent scanning for broadcasts - hence, ShortwaveSchedule was created to help in identifying broadcasts.
Happy 4th year anniversary, !

31 Oct 2015

Google's introducing a new support system for websites called 'Contributor'. As I understand it, you can pick a monthly contribution leveland won't see any ads afterwards. As I'm always interested in testing newthings, Google Contributor is now available for use ! Let me know your opinions and feedback (i.e. it's too expensive, thesite's not worth it, I'm happy with ads, anything goes). Thank you and happylistening !

31 Oct 2015

Database cleaned up, entries sorted, user-submitted changes applied - youguessed it: B15 database is now loaded. Hopefully I didn't forget anything -if you find a problem, please let me know with an email.

13 Apr 2015

With a little delay, the A15 schedule is here together with a littlesurprise from the Easter Bunny: the new ShortwaveSchedule site is up! Try itout atbeta.shortwaveschedule.comand drop an email to me with your opinions. It's written with jQueryMobile,so it should work better on mobile devices as well. Everything should work,except the settings page which is 'work in progress'.

02 Nov 2014

The B14 schedules are here and is updated to showthe new broadcasts. Over the next days I'll also update the data you sent byemail: new transmitter locations, schedules, etc. We welcome a newbroadcaster: Global24 - certainly great news, considering the number of broadcasters whichshutdown their antennas in the past months. As usual, please let me know byemail of any updates/corrections you might have. Happy listening!

22 Sep 2014

Hope everyone had a good summer (or preparing for a good summer ahead,depending on your hemisphere) ! Thanks go to Edward for reporting a distancecalculation bug and Marty for his donation (hope you get to read this, as Icouldn't reply by email due to your provider blocking my emails). Happylistening !

The Japanese Slot Machine Shortwave Am Fm

08 Aug 2014

Everyone's enjoying their summer vacation right now, lounging on abeach with a cold drink... while some of us (me included) are working!Having some free time available, I managed to code one of the most requestedfeatures: language filtering. The 2nd most requested feature is implementedas well: manually specifying a location in case your browser's geolocationdoesn't work or you simply want transmitter distances from otherlocations.

To access these settings, just go to the settingspage. Here you can enter coordinates manually and check/uncheck thelanguages you wish to see in the transmissions list. Please note the tableheaders are not updated in accordance to the filter - so, as the page says:if the number of listed transmissions is lower than expected, please checkyour language settings.

Because I'm also a privacy fan, these settings are entirely cookie-based.There's no username/password/email required, no Google or Facebook login.The only data is stored anonymously on your computer, inside 3 small textfiles. You can find a link at the end of the settings page which deletes all3, in case you wish to 'start fresh'. Hope you enjoy the new features - asusual, please send me an email if problems appear.

Thank you for your emails and continuous support!

06 Apr 2014

As usual, less than a week after Aoki's A14 update, you can find the newbroadcast schedules on Thank you for the reminder,Ralph :-) happy listening and a great spring to everyone!

30 Dec 2013

Happy new year and may 2014 bring many interesting catches on yourantenna ! :-)

10 Dec 2013

Radio Mediterranee International is broadcasting now on 9575 kHz - thankyou for the update, Reinhard !

30 Oct 2013

You know it already - autumn's here and Aoki released B13 schedule... andit's already loaded ! A small correction has been applied to transmittercoordinates (thank you Anton). Radio 6150 is now Radio Channel 292 (thankyou Rainer). ERA Corfu transmitter is now 100 KW (thank you Lefteris), Colde la Madone is corrected to 400 KW (thank you Pascal).Koreean flags are corrected (thank you Phil), Spain/UK flags as well (thankyou Matthew), UK/Germany flags too (thank you Michael).

Also, you can now click the big radio icon next tothe page title in order to go back to the site's index page. Many thanks toall those who wrote, don't forget to write if you find any problems with theschuled. Happy listening !

15 Apr 2013

Just one week after release, the new A13 (spring 2013) shortwave scheduledatabase is released - credits go as usual to Aoki. The main schedules areloaded now; over the next days I will apply the corrections sent by friendsand users of ShortwaveSchedule. If you sent an update or a schedulecorrection and don't see it applied over the next week, please remind me byemail. And don't forget: if you find the site useful, please consider making adonation.

15 Jan 2013

All emails in my backlog are answered now and all issues mentioned by youwere fixed. Thank you for your patience and happy listening!

31 Dec 2012 wishes you a Happy New Year ! May the year of 2013 bring youall that you wish in your life together with good health and good will ! Due to a hectic end of the year, I haven't answered many of your emails.Rest assured that none of your comments and suggestions were forgotten; theywill be answered and fixed in Jan 2013 - my apologies. Take care and happy listening!

29 Oct 2012

Well, autumn has arrived (even winter in some places) - that means it'stime for an updated ! The new shortwave schedule (B12)is in place. Over the next few days a few tweaks and adjustments will takeplace (mostly aesthetic), including the updates sent by our fellow visitors.If I miss anything, as usual - please let me know. Happy listening!

26 Jun 2012

Radio6150 has changed its broadcast frequency from 6150 kHz to 6070 kHz,database updated.

01 Apr 2012

The database is now updated with the 2012 summerschedules, which are valid from today at 1600 UTC. Good timing, I'd say.The usual cleanup and adjustments are also done. if you find the site helpful, please consider making a Paypaldonation to show your support. Thanks for using !

24 Mar 2012

Good news everyone! Aoki released the A12 shortwave schedules, which youcan find on hispage. Of course, the new schedule will be updated as free time permits.

03 Mar 2012

Japanese Slot Machine Troubleshooting

Language filtering removed due too many problems with too many browsers.

27 Jan 2011

The Japanese Slot Machine Shortwave

In-page realtime filtering of the transmissions table, allowing you toquickly filter the results for a specific frequency, station name orlanguage. For example: to display only shortwave broadcasts inenglish, just type 'english' in the text field located under 'Language'. Thefilter also works for frequency and station name. As a bonus, the filtersare kept when you navigate the site (so don't forget to clear the filters ifyou don't see any results). This filter was built by PicNet, congratulations guys andgirls.

Unfortunately, there seems to be a bug in Chrome for Mac: the filter isonly displayed the first time you access a station page. After that, itdisappears. Safari and Firefox work just fine.

A minor database cleanup was also performed: 8 duplicate stations removed and transmissionsconsolidated.

31 Dec 2011

What a year! happy new year with best wishes to all radio afficionados.

12 Dec 2011

Added reverse geocoding to the location code which means you'll also see thename of your city besides the GPS coordinates. Finally fixed SQL queries to properlyhandle transmissions which start before midnight and end after midnight(this was a problem due to the way MySQL implements the TIME format, whichis much worse for operations and type casting than DATETIME). Please let me know if you find any errors.

3 Dec 2011

Unfortunately, geolocation on Safari 5/Mac OS X seems to work only whenyou're connected to a WiFi network. Having a wired internet connection seemsto be hit and miss: the location prompt is triggered, but you will not getyour location displayed (and therefore, no distance calculations). More details here.Chrome and Firefox work just fine on Mac OS X. Also, if you use a web proxy,your location will be detected according to the IP address of the proxy.

30 Nov 2011

Added RSS feeds for all radio stations. When you are viewing the frequencies and schedule for a radio station,your browser should display the RSS icon for that page (top right). Subscribing to that feed will give you the frequency listfor that radio station at the moment of checking the RSS feed. So if you set the feed to be checked at 1 hour,you'll have the latest updated frequency list.

28 Nov 2011

Added interference check: means there is one more station broadcasting on that frequency, means there are 2 or more stations broadcasting on that frequency. Click on the warning icon to see all broadcasts in that frequency.

27 Nov 2011 is live.

Japanese Slot Machine Shortwave


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