Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Lightning Bolts


Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald FAQ. Game Corner Mauville City has a Game Corner to play slot machines, but you'll need to get a Coin Case. Simply step on the lightning bolts, and the walls. Emerald: It prefers warm and humid habitats. In the summertime, the toxic substances in its body intensify, making MUK reek like putrid kitchen garbage. Fire Red: It is usually undetectable because it blends in with the ground. Touching it can cause terrible poisoning. Leaf Green: Thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge.

The following guide contains information on EV training in Pokemon Emerald. It will tell you all the necessary items you will need and where to get them. This guide also covers how to calculate your gained EVs and the hotspots for EV training in certain stats.

Frequently Encountered Pokemon for EV Training

PokemonLocationAppearance RateEVs
WhismurRusturf Tunnel100%1
PoochyenaRoute 10140%1
CarvanhaRoute 118, Route 11960% (Fishing)1
ShuppetMt. Pyre (Floors 1-3)100%1
Special Defense
TentacoolAbandoned Ship99% (Surfing), 80% (Fishing: Super Rod)1
TentacruelAbandoned Ship1% (Surfing), 20% (Fishing: Super Rod)2
ZubatCave of Origin (Cave)90%1
GolbatMeteor Falls65% (Inner Cave), 90% (Inner Cave Surfing)2

Hotspots for EV Training over Multiple Pokemon

PokemonLocationAppearance RatesEVs
Loudred, Whismur, DittoDesert Underpass16%, 34%, 50% (100% to gain HP EVs)2, 1, 1
Shuppet, Poochyena, MightyenaRoute 12130%, 20%, 20% (70% to gain Attack EVs)1, 1, 2
Graveler, Geodude, TorkoalMagma Hideout15%, 50%, 35% (Inside Cave) (100% to gain Defense EVs)2, 1, 2
Special Attack
Spinda, SlugmaRoute 11395%1
Special Defense
Lombre, Lotad, SwabluRoute 11420%, 30%, 40% (90% to gain Special Defense EVs)2, 1, 1
Zigzagoon, Electrike, Wingull, Linoone, ManectricRoute 11830%, 30%, 19%, 10%, 10% (99% to gain Speed EVs)1, 1, 1, 2, 2

Macho Brace

The Macho Brace is an item that will make EV training slightly easier because it doubles the EVs you gain in battle.

Where do you find the Macho Brace?
The Macho Brace can be obtained from the Winstrate's House on Route 211 right above Mauville.


Pokerus is another handy tool in EV Training because it doubles the amount of EVs you gain in battle as well. The downside of Pokerus is that it is extremely hard to find.

How do you get the Pokerus
Pokerus can be found by battling wild Pokemon in the grass and capturing a wild Pokemon infected with Pokerus. When infected with Pokerus, there will be a purple 'PKRS' sign in the status screen of the Pokemon. Pokerus will stay until the game's clock reaches midnight. Once the game hits midnight the Pokemon will be cleared of Pokerus and will no longer be able to infect others with it but it will still gain double the amount of EVs. Pokemon kept in the PC or Daycare with Pokerus will keep the infection as long as you do not withdraw them.

Secret Base EV Training

In Pokemon Emerald you can mix records with any other Pokemon Emerald, Ruby, or Sapphire game. Mixing records requires you to either have two of the above game cartridges and two Game Boy Advances, or know someone with them, which makes it a little harder to do. After mixing records, if you go to the location of your friend's Secret Base you mixed records with you can enter it. Inside will be an NPC and they will have the Pokemon party that your friend had at the time you mixed records. You can use this method by having your friend have a party of Pokemon who give 3 EVs in one stat, making EV training a lot easier and faster. Note that you need to have beaten the Elite Four for this to work and these battles can only be done once a day.

Ditto EV Training

In Pokemon Emerald, Ditto can be found in the Desert Underpass. Ditto can be used as a handy EV training tool and here is how. First you put the Pokemon you want EV trained in the first slot and a Pokemon who yields 3 EVs in the stat in which you're EV training in your party. Once you have encountered a Ditto switch to the Pokemon who yields 3 EVs, let Ditto transform into that Pokemon, and then KO the Ditto with the Pokemon you're EV training. The Pokemon you're EV Training has now gained 3 easy EVs.

All Possible EV Calculations

  • 1 EV + Macho Brace = 2 EVs
  • 1 EV + Pokerus = 2 EVs
  • 1 EV + Macho Brace + Pokerus = 4 EVs
  • 2 EVs + Macho Brace = 4 EVs
  • 2 EVs + Pokerus = 4 EVs
  • 2 EVs + Macho Brace + Pokerus = 8 EVs
  • 3 EVs + Macho Brace = 6 EVs
  • 3 EVs + Pokerus = 6 EVs
  • 3 EVs + Macho Brace + Pokerus = 12 EVs
#089 Muk
GeneralLocationAttacksStatsEgg Moves5th Gen Dex3rd Gen Dex
This Pokédex is for Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed & LeafGreen. If you're looking for the Sword & Shield, Check out Muk Pokémon Sword & Shield data
Gen VII Dex
Let's Go Dex
Gen VI DexGen V DexGen IV DexGen III DexGen II DexGen I Dex
Pokémon Game PictureNational No.Hoenn No.English nameJapanese Name
089 107 Muk ベトベトン
Ability: Stench & Sticky Hold
Stench: When Muk is in the first slot of party, Wild Pokémon encounters decrease
Sticky Hold: Muk's Item cannot be stolen
Gender Ratio
Male: 50 % Female: 50 %
ClassificationType 1Type 2HeightWeight
Sludge Pokémon 3'11' 66.0 lbs
Evolution Chain
Wild Hold ItemDex CategoryColour CategoryFootprint
Nugget - 5%
Flavour Text
Ruby From MUK's body seeps a foul fluid that gives off a nose-bendingly horrible stench. Just one drop of this POKéMON's body fluid can turn a pool stagnant and rancid.
Sapphire This POKéMON's favorite food is anything that is repugnantly filthy. In dirty towns where people think nothing of throwing away litter on the streets, MUK are certain to gather.
Emerald It prefers warm and humid habitats. In the summertime, the toxic substances in its body intensify, making MUK reek like putrid kitchen garbage.
Fire Red It is usually undetectable because it blends in with the ground. Touching it can cause terrible poisoning.
Leaf Green Thickly covered with a filthy, vile sludge. It is so toxic, even its footprints contain poison.
Ruby Evolve Evolve Grimer
Sapphire Evolve Evolve Grimer
Emerald Evolve Evolve Grimer
FireRed Evolve Evolve Grimer
LeafGreen Rare Pokémon Mansion Floors 1, 2, 3 & Basement 1
Colosseum None Trade from Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen/XD
XD Evolve Evolve Grimer
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Colosseum/XD Level Up
LevelAttack NameTypeAtt.Acc.PPEffect %
Poison Gas--5540--
Envelops the foe in a toxic gas that may poison.
Pounds the foe with forelegs or tail.
Stiffens the body's muscles to raise DEFENSE.
Stiffens the body's muscles to raise DEFENSE.
Psychically disables one of the foe's moves.
Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
Minimizes the user's size to raise evasiveness.
Emits a screech to sharply reduce the foe's DEFENSE.
34Acid Armor----40--
Liquifies the user's body to sharply raise DEFENSE.
47Sludge Bomb901001030
Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
The user faints and lowers the foe's abilities.
Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Lightning BoltsPokemon
Fire Red/Leaf Green Level Up
LevelAttack NameTypeAtt.Acc.PPEffect %
Poison Gas--5540--
Envelops the foe in a toxic gas that may poison.
Pounds the foe with forelegs or tail.
Stiffens the body's muscles to raise DEFENSE.
Stiffens the body's muscles to raise DEFENSE.
Psychically disables one of the foe's moves.
Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
Minimizes the user's size to raise evasiveness.
Emits a screech to sharply reduce the foe's DEFENSE.
34Acid Armor----40--
Liquifies the user's body to sharply raise DEFENSE.
47Sludge Bomb901001030
Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
The user faints and lowers the foe's abilities.
TM & HM Attacks
TM/HM #Attack NameTypeAtt.Acc.PPEffect %
TM01Focus Punch15010020--
A powerful loyalty attack. The user flinches if hit.
Poisons the foe with an intensifying toxin.
TM10Hidden Power??10015--
The effectiveness varies with the user.
TM11Sunny Day----5--
Boosts the power of FIRE- type moves for 5 turns.
Taunts the foe into only using attack moves.
TM15Hyper Beam150905--
Powerful, but leaves the user immobile the next turn.
Evades attack, but may fail if used in succession.
TM18Rain Dance----5--
Boosts the power of WATER- type moves for 5 turns.
TM19Giga Drain601005--
An attack that steals half the damage inflicted.
An attack that is stronger if the TRAINER is disliked.
A strong electrical attack that may paralyze the foe.
A lightning attack that may cause paralysis.
An attack that increases in power with friendship.
Digs underground the first turn and strikes next turn.
TM31Brick Break7510015--
Destroys barriers such as REFLECT and causes damage.
TM32Double Team----15--
Creates illusory copies to raise evasiveness.
TM34Shock Wave60--20--
A fast and unavoidable electric attack.
A powerful fire attack that may inflict a burn.
TM36Sludge Bomb901001030
Sludge is hurled to inflict damage. May also poison.
TM38Fire Blast12085510
A fiery blast that scorches all. May cause a burn.
TM39Rock Tomb508010100
Stops the foe from moving with rocks and cuts SPEED.
Torments the foe and stops successive use of a move.
Boosts ATTACK when burned, paralyzed, or poisoned.
TM43Secret Power701002030
An attack with effects that vary by location.
The user sleeps for 2 turns, restoring HP and status.
Makes the opposite gender less likely to attack.
While attacking, it may steal the foe's held item.
Builds enormous power, then slams the foe.
HM06Rock Smash201001550
A rock-crushing attack that may lower DEFENSE.

Pokemon Emerald Slot Machine Lightning Bolts For Sale

Fire Red/Leaf Green/Emerald Tutor Attacks
Attack NameTypeAtt.Acc.PPEffect %
Body Slam851001530
A full-body slam that may cause paralysis.
Copies a move used by the foe during one battle.
Inflicts severe damage but makes the user faint.
Creates a decoy using 1/4 of the user's maximum HP.

Pokemon Center Slot Machine

Emerald Tutor Attacks
Attack NameTypeAtt.Acc.PPEffect %
Powerful and sure to cause confusion, but inaccurate.
A loud attack that can be used only while asleep.
Endures any attack for 1 turn, leaving at least 1HP.
Hurls mud in the foe's face to reduce its accuracy.
Ice Punch751001510
An icy punch that may freeze the foe.
Confuses the foe, but also sharply raises ATTACK.
Sleep Talk----10--
Uses an own move randomly while asleep.
An electrified punch that may paralyze the foe.
Fire Punch751001510
A fiery punch that may burn the foe.
Egg Moves
Attack NameTypeAtt.Acc.PPEffect %
Creates a black haze that eliminates all stat changes.
Mean Look--1005--
Fixes the foe with a mean look that prevents escape.
Licks with a long tongue to injure. May also paralyze.
Prevents foes from using moves known by the user.
A move that functions differently for GHOSTS.
Shadow Punch60--20--
An unavoidable punch that is thrown from shadows.
Inflicts severe damage but makes the user faint.
Effort Points from Battling it
5,120 Steps HP: 1 Point, Attack: 1 Point 75
Egg Groups
Group Names
HPAttackDefenseSp. AttackSp. DefenseSpeed
Base Stats105105756510050
Max Stats
Hindering Nature
414278 224206269179
Max Stats
Neutral Nature
Max Stats
Beneficial Nature