Java Simple Slot Machine Method

Java Applet simple Slot Machine Raw. /. This class is used to create a lottery program using 3 symbols. (as names CHERRY, LEMON, ORANGE, PLUM, BELL, and BAR). A block (BanditBlock) is an object, and any methods are. to change the value of the block, or to get values from the block. Note: In hindsight, it would be. Your class has a public run method; everything else is a black box. That makes the code hard to reuse and impossible to unit-test. How should the code be organized? I recommend defining a class to model the slot machine with the following public interface. Slot Machine using methods. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 8 months ago. I am making this slot machine for my programming class but I do not know how to get the program to ask if they want to play again and thus run again without causing an infinite loop. Any help would be appreciated. How do I invoke a Java method when given the method.

Kathleen Angeles wrote:Look into the page below:
Threads and concurrency are something that you need to learn when your gui has some dynamism like yours.
The main thread could be busy doing the calculations and other non-gui stuff. the gui is choked and not given its own time to update itself. in short, the trick is to use 1 or more additional threads. e.g. let the main thread handle non-gui stuff. make threads that would do gui stuff, like update your slot machine..

posted 9 months ago
Hello. In my computer science class, we have an assignment to make a Slot Machine with objects but I'm having some trouble. I already got a lot of it done but I'm not really sure where to go from here. Can someone please help? Below are links to the two .java files on PasteBin and a link to a PDF of the project rubric in google drive. Thanks for the help in advance! Slot Machine Rubric
posted 9 months ago
Please cut and paste the code into a post, and UseCodeTags (<-link).
What's the program supposed to do when you run it?
posted 9 months ago
Welcome to the Ranch!
You said you got a lot of it done, please show us exactly what you got done.

The best ideas are the crazy ones. If you have a crazy idea and it works, it's really valuable.—Kent Beck
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posted 9 months ago
What the code is supposed to do is create a 3 reel, 6 icon slot machine in two classes that utilize objects that, when ran, will say something like 'spin x: orange grape cherry, you lost' It will keep running until you win. to win, you have to have all 3 reels be the same ex.'spin x: cherry cherry cherry, you won' and then stop running. For this, there are 2 files, SlotRunner, which will utilize the SlotMachine class and spit out the values of the 3 reels/tell me whether or not I won, and the SlotMachine class is what contains most of the code that actually does stuff. What I've done so far is setup the 2 classes like my CompSci teacher asked and tried adding some stuff of my own. Although most of what I've done hasn't worked. I would have just asked my CompSci teacher but he sent out an email a few hours ago saying he's out sick but to still work on the Slot Machine stuff. I already said the basic needs for the Slot Machine but Here's the actual rubric. I don't really need help with part b of the rubric because i don't really plan on doing it. I just need to get at least a 70 on the assignment.
The Slot Machine runner class:

The actual Slot Machine Class
Slot machine simulation javaposted 9 months ago
So, it seems like you need to be able to display one spin as a starting point. What are you missing in order to do that?
posted 9 months ago
That looks like the starter code you were given. None of the parts that the student is supposed to do have been done. You should know that this site exists to help people learn. That means we don't allow anyone here to provide solutions for you to pass for your own work. We'll only help you work through any problems you encounter as you try to solve the problem yourself, with code that you wrote yourself.
So, what are having trouble with?

Simple Slot Machine Java

The best ideas are the crazy ones. If you have a crazy idea and it works, it's really valuable.—Kent Beck
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posted 9 months ago

Java Slot Machine Code

In general development work flow, you pick a small starting point, implement it, get it to compile, get it to run, and test it till it works, BEFORE going on to adding the next piece. I notice many places that won't compile in your code so it seems you haven't followed this process. You may need to start over and select only one of the basic methods and go through the steps till it's completely debugged.