Free Extra Character Slot Eq2

Originally posted by Gorwe

That pack grants two additional character slots per server, better chat options, extra inventory capacity, raises your quest journal limit, gives you the ability to create guilds, and more. Once you purchase a Silver Membership Pack, you are permanently raised to that membership level. There is no recurring fee.

- chat is disabled(for most purposes)

This one I added is what would turn most from EQ2. I know why they have done what they have done, but it still is...obnoxious. Some people just have a need to chat(me included) and without the ability to do that...gameplay better be perfect. Fortunately, there is a LOT to do and it is, for all purposes, pretty fun.

So, if I purchase a character slot, I mustn't sub? Or it'll stay locked? That's THEFT! Or, if not that, a FRAUD. Felony, no matter how you look at it!

i was unaware that ftp chat is an issue - thanks for correction


Character slots:

SOE gives the slots you pay for

Free Extra Character Slot Eq2 Quests

total available slots = ftp slots + your addittional paid slots

Both Turbines Dungeons and Dragons Online and SOE offer more character slots with sub

both publishers lock your characters if you created more characters than free to play allows

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even if you paid for extra slots (I'm speaking from experience)

what SOE does wrong (in my opinion) is this:

Free Extra Character Slot Eq2

Turbine: ftp pick and choose what character slots will stay locked

SOE: your free characters are automatically assigned based upon the last time the character logged in


SOE ftp gives you 2 character slots

you pay for 2 extra (total of 4 slots as free to play)

sub gives you 7 slots (or 9 slots with 2 extra paid slots)

you go back to ftp but now have only 4 slots

4 slots is 2 more slots than regular ftp

but you may not get the specific characters you want

Here are your update notes for 5 October 2010:


Eq2 Character Races

  • Bronze members will now be able to view chat channels (Silver or higher is still required to participate in chat).
  • You can now purchase Gold memberships directly in game.



Free Extra Character Slot Eq2 Quest

  • You can now buy extra character slots in the marketplace!
  • You can now redeem station cash cards directly in game by going to: Marketplace – Add Funds – Station Cash Card.
  • You can now add a credit card to your file directly in game by going to: Marketplace – Add Funds – Credit Card – Add New Card.
  • Check the marketplace for “New” and “Hot” items!
  • Marketplace items that are discounted from normal price will now show “SALE” on the icon in both the welcome window and the marketplace window.


Free Extra Character Slot Eq2 Item

  • Homicidal Madness (the charm spell) no longer affects fighters.